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Often in a multiple collection, there could be works that do not warrant the expense of a written valuation and we will discuss that at the time.

Written valuations can be presented as either: individual certificates for each artwork (for collections of less the four) or in the form of a bound catalogue for larger collections.


We offer various types of valuation, including two printed versions.



The standard 'Insurance Valuation' is for replacement purposes. This is the price one would expect to pay to replace a lost artwork from a dealer gallery.

A 'Market Appraisal' valuation differs inasmuch as it is used to determine a value for estate purposes, such as in a matrimonial split or a deceased estate and is based on what one would realistically expect to realise on the open market.


We can often give a free initial appraisal of approximate values before undertaking a formal valuation. Often in a multiple collection there could be works that do not warrant the expense of a written valuation and we will discuss that at the time.

Written valuations can be presented as either: individual certificates for each artwork (for collections of less the four), or in the form of a bound catalogue for larger collections.




Fees for written valuations


Insurance Valuations

$140.00 for one work - thereafter $70 per item

(larger collections please contact us)


Market Appraisal

$140.00 for one work - thereafter $70 per item 

(larger collections please contact us)



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